Easter Break Dream Workshop


Time: Tuesday—Thursday, 1—2.45pm & 3—4.45pm

Location: City Museum, Auditorium floor 2

Price: 30 SEK

Join Unga Berättar and travel back to the turn of the 20th century to create your own dream world!

A hundred years ago, many things were happening in Stockholm. Brand new inventions emerged, changing people's daily lives. People dreamed of having running water directly in their sink, owning a phone, or choosing their own career.

What would your dream world have looked like if you had lived back then? Were there dreams that we might find strange today?

After a brief exploration in the exhibition about Stockholm around the turn of the century, we will gather for a workshop where you can create and explore your dreams and perhaps those of others. Maybe old dreams will resurface? Or should we dare to think entirely new?

Use our green screen and place yourself in historical locations in Stockholm as they looked around 1900. Unga Berättar will bring clothes and props. And maybe the little dreams can become badges — we have the machine and materials.

As a memory of the day, you will take your picture home, plus we will make an extra copy to create a dream artwork in the room with everyone’s dreams. Imagine if it could become a mega dream catcher!

In cooperation with Kulturskolan Unga Berättar.

Buy ticket

You need to buy a ticket to this event:

  • Children/young people, SEK 30
