Free admission to City Museum

Follow us on a journey through 500 years of Stockholm’s history.

A clown spreading his wide trousers.
Gröna Lund Amusement Park, May 5, 1901. Photo: Erik Viktor Tryggelin/Nordiska museet archive.

Welcome to the turn of the 20th century. Meet the city’s inhabitants during a turbulent time when practically everything is fundamentally changing.

Photo: Susanne Walström, 2014.

This photo exhibition presents a parallel narrative of a project that has influenced Stockholm for decades.

In the museum, you meet the people, events and places that together tell the story of the city’s development.

Contact us if you have any questions about our activities or Stockholm’s buildings and history!

Welcome to book your own guided tour or city walk. Learn about the architecture, the people and historical events!

Follow the transformation from a small location in northern Europe to an urban, Scandinavian metropolis.